Question Solution System
The purpose of the Flowi Question Solution System is to enable your students to easily forward the questions they cannot solve to their teachers and to reach the solutions of the submitted questions. When the questions are sent to the system, the relevant group teachers receive a push notification and/or E-Mail. You can enable the system to make an automatic time assignment according to the specified emergency situation. For questions that have expired, the system can alert the relevant teachers by sending notifications and/or E-Mails. You can follow all the questions about your teachers with their status, you can see the entered notes, attached documents, pictures, videos and history on the detail screen. On the Dashboard and Report screens, you can access administrative reports about both the questions and the performance of your students and teachers.
The use of the system is practical and you can make special definitions for your institution on the parameter screens. Thus, the processes can be managed specifically for you. The system can be used on desktop computers and smartphones. Applications that can be downloaded to mobile phones are available in the Play Store and App Store.
The installation and use of the system are quite simple. You can make special definitions for your institution as you want.
When a question is entered into the system, the relevant teachers receive a push notification and/or e-mail.
On the report screens, you can access both questions and reports about the performance of your students and teachers.
The system can be used on both computers and smartphones. The mobile application can be downloaded from the Play Store or the App Store.
How is It Used?
- The student takes a photo of the question they cannot solve and uploads it to the application.
- The question is assigned to the relevant subject teachers.
- The teachers select the questions they want to answer.
- They send the solution in photo, text, or audio format.
- Questions marked as “Great Question” by the teacher can be viewed by all students in the relevant class.
How is It Used?An Online Question Solution?
- There will be no unresolved questions.
- Students will find answers to their questions in a short time.
- Students will solve more questions.
- Students will have access to the current question bank.
- The corporate management will monitor the system and measure the performance.
Question Solution Application Specific to Educational Institutions
Flowi is a question solving application that provides fast solution support for students preparing for YKS, LGS, TYT, AYT, YDT, KPSS and ALES specific to your institution for questions they cannot solve. Flowi is by your institution and student’s side during distance online education and exam preparation process!
Your student can ask questions from all courses, EBA, MONE, OSYM tests in preparation for YKS, LGS, TYT, AYT, YDT, KPSS and ALES, and get instant question solution!
Online Distance Education: With Flowi, your student can access the classroom environment from anywhere he wants, continue his studies by taking lessons from the institution’s instructors.
Flowi Chat: You can create a private messaging network for your institution, classify it according to many categories such as classroom – student – teacher – lesson. You can follow the messages, control them.
Quick Question Solution: Your teachers and students can create questions wherever and whenever they want in accordance with various rules determined by your institution. It reaches the question solutions with one click and thus your corporate success increases.
Flowi offers solutions to meet your needs with different packages specific to institutions. Get in touch now and get a Flowi Question Solution platform for your educational institution!
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Question Solution Package
- It runs until June 30, 2024.
- You can send questions 24/7.
- The questions are solved by teachers who are experts and experienced in their field (classroom teachers with whom we have an agreement). Therefore, compared to other competing applications, the solution quality is high.
- Pack; 5. 12 From the class. It is recommended that students who are up to the classroom, preparing for LGS and YKS, take it.